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Top tips for saving on your power bill

Coming into the warmer months of summer, it can be tempting to have your air conditioning on full blast or to sit with every fan in the house on you, but we all know your wallet will not thank you for it. It’s holiday time as well, and the kids are home using more electronic devices and creating more laundry.

Follow these 10 top energy saving tips to keep your wallet, and your family, happy this summer:

  1. Create a cool air flow through your house instead of turning on the fans or the air conditioning. Open a few windows and doors throughout the house and feel a cool breeze flow through. Tip: it would be a good idea to install insect screens to keep the unwanted bugs out and the cool air in!

  2. Drawing your curtains closed in the heat of the day is a good way to reflect the summer sun to keep your home cool and reduce heat building up inside your home.

  3. Hot water heating accounts for 30% of the average household energy bill. Looking into alternative heating solutions such as hot water heat pumps could save you up to 70% of your water heating costs, learn more here. Tip: When you’re away camping in summer, switch off your hot water!

  4. Understand which household appliances consume the most power and try to use less or consider alternatives. Items such as clothes dryers, kettles, hair dryers, ovens and heating/air conditioning.

  5. Replace worn seals on your oven, fridge or freezer so hot and cold air can’t escape.

  6. Use cold water when filling your jug, rinsing dishes and washing clothes.

  7. Using the right air conditioning unit for your home is crucial to energy savings. You don’t want your unit to be working overtime for the space that it’s in. Learn more here

  8. Always switch off appliances when you’re not using them at the wall. Even standby wastes power!

  9. Refrigeration accounts for 10% of energy use. So, don’t open the fridge doors more than you need to, keep food covered to reduce moisture on the inside of the fridge, and set the fridge temperature between 2°C and 5°C.

  10. Keep the heat out of the kitchen by using your BBQ on those warm summer nights! It’s cheaper to run than an electric oven and a great way to spend quality time with your family.

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